  • Setembro 8, 2023


3 strategic reports that every company should have

We believe so much in our work and the results of our deliveries that we decided to share with other companies what has worked so well for our clients: powerful reports that help boost sales, project management and a company’s most valuable assets: the people who work there. 

Strategic reports that help companies: 

  • Deepen their data analysis,
  • Make more assertive and informed decisions,
  • Minimise losses,
  • Map risks
  • Plan new strategies
  • And much more

We’ve selected a few reports we’ve already created to show you the power of data analysis.

Sales Report: Power BI 

  1. It allows the user to carry out more advanced statistical analyses, such as cluster analyses, association rules and predictive Churn models.  
  2. In this way, we can find out which products are bought together and even suggest similar products to customers. What’s more, combined with marketing techniques, you can send emails from Power BI itself with promotional campaigns. 
  3. Analyses by salesperson, in order to track which are the best or worst in terms of turnover. Or even whether or not they’ve reached their targets. 
  4. RFV analyses. This is an analytical model that segments customers based on 3 pillars: recency, frequency and value. In other words, it allows companies to identify groups of customers with the greatest potential for return and customise their marketing strategies according to the needs and behaviour of each segment. 
  5. In the Churn model, we have an indication of the rate of customer cancellation or non-renewal of contracts. 



Human resources report: Power BI 

  1. Managing people is hard enough, imagine having time to create reports? We have the solution! This report includes several important indicators in this segment, such as employee turnover, employee salaries, number of hires, number of dismissals, active employees, number of dismissals, etc.
  2. We also give managers the option of simulating employee salaries according to IRS and social security tax rules.
  3. Employee profile analysis
  4. What’s more, we also have a predictive model that helps us detect which employees are most likely to leave the company.



Project Management Report: Power BI 

  1. Being organised is good enough, imagine having everything automated to manage ongoing projects or investments?
    This report helps us identify how many and which projects are open, finalised, in progress and, above all, those that are listed as open in the system but should have been finalised.
  2. Within Power BI itself, we have automated processes to automatically send emails and messages in Teams to the managers responsible for the projects that are listed as overdue. In this way, managers can analyse projects with greater accuracy and precision.
  3. We also make the analyses available on a gantt chart, so that we can follow the progress of projects over time, as well as any deviations.
  4. Another added value of this report is that we also provide managers with detailed analyses by project, supplier and invoice. In this way, each stage is closely monitored.



We’ve only selected these 3 reports, but we have many others that can help you leverage your company. 

Isadora Lupchinski

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