• Setembro 23, 2023


Human Capital – managing human processes in a desktop and mobile application

The processes associated with human capital management acquire considerable complexity and importance when the organisation is of a certain size. Let’s think about an organisation with just 10 employees and how it organises absence management, overtime work, time banks, holiday maps and the documentation associated with sick leave and other absences. Think about approval processes, shifts, timetables, calculating the number of days absent and managing the workforce over a given period of time.

All these processes can be managed individually, through emails, spreadsheets, phone calls or even meetings. In a very basic version, whenever an employee wants to take time off, she can simply send an email to her line manager requesting the absence. But in order for the superior to be able to make a fair decision, she needs to know who will be absent on that date, which public holidays will occur during the period, how many days the employee has already been absent and how many she still has available, among other questions.

With only 10 employees, managing absence processes becomes complex and it’s not hard to think of scenarios in which employees compare themselves against each other, competing for the days closest to the public holidays, trying to “book first” in order to get as much leisure time as possible. And then there are the issues of attendance, punctuality and flexible working hours, which, despite everything, have never gone out of fashion.

On the other hand, for those leading a team, it’s important to know who is absent, who is working remotely or on the company premises, by department or in an aggregated and visual way. If a particular employee is absent for a certain period of time, who will be their backup? And who approved their absence?

To help you manage absences, overtime, time banks, clock-ins and clock-outs, we’ve created the Human Capital application, which will run on your company’s Office 365 platform.

What are the advantages of Human Capital for managing absence and attendance in your company?

This means that you’ll need Office 365 for everything to work, of course, but you’ll have some very interesting advantages.

The first is that your company’s employee data – names, email addresses, roles, profile photos, sign-in and sign-out logs, absences, documents, etc. – will be hosted in your company’s Office 365 cloud. They won’t be hosted on an external developer’s servers, but on your own domain, which is clearly an advantage from a data governance point of view.

The second is that the application will be installed on your company’s domain and the investment will be one-off, with no recurring costs – except for maintenance, technical support and updates – if you choose to contract us for these services.

To compare the cost of an external application with the investment in a Human Capital application, multiply the number of users by the monthly cost of the application and again by 12 to arrive at a total annual cost. Then divide the value of the Human Capital investment by the value calculated above and arrive at the payback measured in years. And find out how long it will take you to recoup your investment!

The third advantage is the possibility of customisation or expansion. As an application installed on your company’s Office 365 domain, you can add new features, connect to data from other systems, create personalised versions, change the colour scheme or design, among many other possibilities.

New ideas for the Human Capital

We are currently exploring new ideas for the future of the app, listening to our customers’ suggestions and many stars are still in the air, waiting for the green light to come down to earth and move forward.

We’d love to hear from you. I bet you have ideas that will help us evolve the app even further! Use the comments box below or contact us directly by email or phone with your suggestions and we’ll be happy to listen to your ideas and think together about their implementation potential.

Nuno Nogueira

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